Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes For all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution (to provide the web link) Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students response. Mechanism of communication of programme outcome and course outcome Malati Vasantdada Patil Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Islampur is affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The College offers seven under graduate programmes, two postgraduate programmes and six Career Oriented Courses. The syllabi of the seven U.G. and P.G. programmes are framed by the board of studies of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Some of our teachers have been members of board of studies, members of syllabus sub - committee and thus their contribution in the framing and structuring of syllabi is significant. There are above 150 courses (Papers) offered in the U.G. and P.G. programmes. The students and other stake holders get information of these programmes and courses from the prospectus printed by the college before the beginning of the academic year . At the beginning of every academic year the principal makes an address to the first year students. In his address he tells the students about the programme outcomes such as critical thinking, effective communication, social interaction, effective citizenship, national integration, ethics, environment and sustainability by giving a number of examples. In their respective classes the teachers give the prescribed syllabus of the course to the students and tell them about the course outcome. Likewise course outcomes and programme outcomes are available through syllabus in library. The course outcomes and the programme outcomes are displayed on the institutional website.
Name Of H.O.D :Dr. S. D. Ratnakar
Name Of Assistant Professor :
Departmental ProfileName Of H.O.D : Mr. N. S. Damse
Name Of Assistant Professor : Dr. A. M. Marale
Departmental ProfileName Of H.O.D : Dr. S.R. Hegishte
Name Of Assistant Professor :
Departmental ProfileName Of H.O.D : Dr. A. L. Belvatkar
Name Of Assistant Professor : Mr. R. G. Ghule
Departmental ProfileName Of H.O.D : Mr. K. D. Kurundwade
Name Of Assistant Professor : -
Departmental ProfileName Of H.O.D : Dr. J. G. Mulani
Name Of Assistant Professor : Dr. M. V. Patil / Mr. S. J. Jadhav
Departmental ProfileName Of H.O.D : Mrs. V. V. Patil
Name Of Assistant Professor :
Departmental Profile